Thursday Thirteen

Posted by Cecil the Cougar: at 12:00 AM

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen fings about me, Cecil:

  1. I was born on August 28, 2007. This means that I is now 7 whole months old!

    HEY YOU!

    Don't I look very big and mancatly for my age?

  2. I really love to give the big bitey to Mommie's bras.

    I gets them out of the laundry and drag them all over the house!

    Mommie gets embarrassed when visitors see me chomping on them!

  3. Daddy gave me the nickname, "Your Cat." He usually uses this nickname to refer to me when I do something naughty. For instance he says to Mommie, "Your Cat chewed a hole in my new shirt." or "Your Cat took a stinky poopie" (he uses more colorful words that I am not allowed to say) or "Look at what Your Cat broke!"

  4. Mommie wrote a poem about me. It goes like this:
    "Cecil Wecil pudding pie kissed the girls and made them cry!"

    I am not sure what girls Mommie finks I has kissed though, because that is gross! COOTIES!

    The only girl I pucker up for like this is Mommie cause she gives the Temptations!

    Sometimes I even gets a bit shy visiting girl bloggies like Daisy, Parker, SophieKitty and all my other girl cat furriends

  5. I has excellent teefs and use them to give the Big Bitey a lot to Mommie and Daddy.

  6. Sometimes if Mommie walks past my litter box when I am pooping, I will run out to play with her even if I am not done. Then I drag my butt along the tile floor until I get to her.

  7. I talk to Mommie and Daddy a lot. Mommie says this is because my Grandma-cat is a Meezer.

  8. I has very nice stripes, I fink you will agree.

  9. I has only hissed one time in my whole entire life. This was at the groomers when they viciously clipped my nails while telling me I was a nice kitty. I showed them!

  10. My best friend is a penguin named Mr. Penguin. I call him Penguin when i am mad at him.

  11. I do not have any brothers and sisters.

  12. I really like to go inside the refrigerator and pretend I am an Eskimo.

  13. It is my dream to go to Disney World and meet the Giant Mousie! I would like to give him my Super Duper Big Mancat Cecil Bitey!

Fank you for reading my Thursday Thirteen!

Until tomorrow,


38 opinions:

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Cecil, you are such a mancatly and handsome mancat-in-training. I love your stripes. You sound like a lot of fun. Really enjoyed your Thursday 13 and learned more about you.
Missy Blue Eyes

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dude, in a few months yoo will change yoor mind about gerl cats...seriusly! Don't laff, my sisfurs said da same thing when I was yoor age and I laffed at dem. Den, alla sudden, I noticed dat dey is purrty and nice and smell good...not my sisfurs, well, dey are purrty and nice, but other gerlcats...sheesh, never mind, I'm rambling.~Speedy

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You know, Momma always says to our Georgia that she is a Georgie Porgie Puddin and Pie and she kissed the boys and made them cry...


Anonymous said...

DUDE! YOU KNOW WHAT? We were born THE EXACT SAME DAY AS YOU! We were born 8/28/07 and then put in a little box and left in a parking lot, where the Lady and the teenagers found us. They bottle fed us and took furry good care of us. I'm stripy like you, but I'm a lighter gray and my sister Riley is a solid black. It's so great to meet you!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Cecil, we enjoyed learning more about you! You are a great Mancat-in-training! You are also a couple of days older than Merlin: he was born on September 2, 2007. It looks like you are having lots of fun with your mom's bra!

Daisy said...

Those were some funny things about you, Cecil! I especially liked number 6. It is very interesting, because sometimes my Daddie calls me "Your cat", too!

Anonymous said...

Cecil, your stripes are coming in super duper good! Perhaps your Mom should try NOT to walk past you in your litter box so that you can finish what you started...

Louche Tabby said...

......I bet Tripper is jealous that you get to play with your mommies bras........

Parker said...

Cecil, I bet in a few months you won't be so shy around us girls! You will learn that we really don't have cooties!

ZOOLATRY said...

YOUR cat,
YOU cat,
THAT cat,
THE cat.
We hear those words lots in our house, too.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Me likes to play eskimo too!!! maybe we can play eskimo together! - Billy

those was some great things Cecil! Billy is about 7 months old too, but he's a little peanut, not a big mancat-in-training like you!

Bobby D. said...

Cecil, Now I have that song in my head where Ricky Lee Jones sings "Come on Cecil, give me a dollar!"

Cecil is a good name and Ceece is a hip cool nickname too.

I never hissed yet either.
thanks for the tip on laundry and it being good for biteys.

Beethoven said...

You're handsome! And I think I looks like you a lot Cecil! I hope I grows up as handsome as you!
Do you know, I like to go into the refrigerator too, but I'm not sure why mine Mummy isn't pleased about that!
I've also only hissed once in my life, that was when mine Mummy boughted a new huge mousie for me. Since then, the mousie has gotten lost, so I've never hissed again. The Giant Kitty has got awesome hisses though.



We loved that you went and got your Momma's RED bra. It is good to show off some spicy red! You have great racing stripes and are big mancat-in-training...


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i wonder if i should try biting sarge's laundry? what do you think? ha ha ha

smiles, auntie bee

L. Alida said...

I loved your T13 Cecil! It's funny, my kitties are always My Kitties until my husband wants to play with one of them. Then he asks, "where's my cat?" Usually it's Cricket because she's the most playful. Your fondness for bras is hilarious! You must be so fun to have around. :)
Hugs and Purrs,

Tybalt said...

Wow, Cecil! I love playing the Eskimo game, too! I didn't know any other kitties knew about that game . . . we should play it together sometime.


The Furry Kids said...

We liked learning all those things about you! I like to play eskimo, too.


Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

He-he. You should go over to House Panthers and read about Grr's adventures in the Rodents of Extreme size. Scarey stuff!

Your stripes are very handsome!

Ana said...

These are very interesting things about you! And of course your stripes are just beautiful. Pumuckl loves to play Eskimo too. At least until we closed the fridge with him inside... :)

CRIZ LAI said...

You are so cute Cecil and playful of course but I love it. Come over and impress me. You have a task to do now.. haha :P


The Misadventures Of Me said...

Hi Cecil! Nice to meets you. Mommy says your antics make her laughs. You's were borned on her birthday too, but shes a squillion times older than you are! You also looks like Molly!

Mickey's Musings said...

Hahaha! Those were good Cecil.
om sings # 4 to Georgia,just like Chey's Mom :)
I bet you'll like girlcats soon ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey

SophieKitty said...

Those are some petty interesting things about you, Cecil. You are very mancatly!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Hi Cecil,

We are running a little behind in our posts and comments. We will definately pick up our awardie this weekend!

Meeting the big mouse and giving him the bitey sure does sound like fun!!!

meemsnyc said...

Hehehehe, those are great funny photos! Especially the bra ones. Poor mommie.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Hahahahahaha Cecil! What a boymancat!
Now if I could justee findz one of da momeez here braz, I wouldz probabully triez peein' on it instead of in her shoez or her pursee.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Cecil,
You look great!!!!!
I am so glad I could know more about you~! And yes!!!! You are a very handsome mancat~!!!!!
I am very proud!!!!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Great list Cecil!!!

It was fun getting to know more about you.

purrs, Shade and Goldie

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That is a great list of things about you. Great to know these things!

Poppy said...

Eeeek, so adorable!

My girls do #6 too. It's their favorite!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, Cecil! What a precious little fellow you are. You are a great mancat in training, and your stripes are very handsome! And *giggling* that you like to play with your Mom's bras. Do you know that I am a mature girlcat of around eleven/twelve years of age, but I love to play and wallow around and act goofy with my mom's bras, too? *smile*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Spoony Quine said...

Hello, hello, Cecil! Love the stripes, mancat! I don't think I'd cry if you kissed me! But you're only seven months old and it's probably not legal.

Great job at biting your alien captor's undergarment! I secretly enjoy licking my captor's armpit, though my lieutenant thinks I'm nuts.
` I find that, among the aliens on the Planet of the Giants, that the humans have the most lovely-tasting skin. Don't you agree?

Cattain Violet,

Zarrship Enterforaprize

P.S. Don't go in the fridge! It's hard to breathe in there!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Hi Cecil,

We posted our awardie today! We hope all is well with you and that your beans finals went ok!

L. Alida said...

Hi Cecil, just checking in. I hope your mommie's exams went well. Hope your weekend was nice!
Hugs and Purrs,

The Cat Realm said...

You are such an interesting and beautiful cat, Cecil! Your stripes remind me a bit of Emil! And you "pucker up" face of Anastasia....
Please be so kind to come by our blog, there is a party invitation and an award for you!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Hi Cecil,

Just stopping by to say we hope your momma bean starts feeling better soon!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh my, maybe you shouldn't grab the red silk bra to chomp on, Cecil. That's probably why your Mom gets upset. Look for a cotton blend instead.